Saturday, June 28, 2008

Words to Live By

An excerpt from No Glass Ceiling, Just Blue Sky
By Marcy Blochowiak

Dream what you want to dream;
Go where you want to go;
Be what you want to be,
Because you have only one life
And one chance to do all the things
You want to do.

May you have enough happiness to make you sweet,
Enough trials to make you strong,
Enough sorrow to keep you human and
Enough hope to make you happy.

The happiest of people don't necessarily
Have the best of everything;
They just make the most of
Everything that comes along their way.

The brightest future will always
Be based on a forgotten past;
You can't go forward in life until
You let go of your past failures and heartaches.

When you were born, you were crying
And everyone around you was smiling
Live your life so at the end
You're the one who is smiling and everyone
Around you is crying.

- Anonymous

Make sure you are Loving Life,
Sheri Sharman

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

How to Attract a Group of People by Sheri Sharman

In Network Marketing, as in many businesses, it is necessary to attract a group of people or a team.

How would you feel at your companies next training with a large group of people from your team in attendance?

Here are some tips to help you attract a large team:

  • Be likeable.
  • Use a firm assertive handshake and pay attention to the other person’s handshake.
  • Learn to paint pictures with words.
  • Change your view of the cost to start. See it as a small amount with BIG REWARDS.
  • Improve your image to one of success & class. (People will always judge based on appearance.)
  • “Believe” in the business and product.
  • Have a “system” that’s simple, organized & duplicateable.
  • Use positive, energetic words like: Fantastic! Great! Awesome! Appreciate! Terrific!
  • Always use the other person’s NAME!
  • Erase the word TRY from your vocabulary. Don’t “try”...just do it.
  • Be complimentary of others. Make them feel good.
  • Exude talent/energy/effort/commitment.
  • Don’t let what other people think about network marketing affect your actions/enthusiasm/passion/dreams!
  • Be energetic.
  • Be an "energy giver" (not a taker).
  • Exude confidence.
  • Be persuasive.
  • Communicate a sense of urgency.
  • Use "fear of loss" as needed.
  • Look for teachable people.
  • On a scale of 1-10, look for 7’s or higher...they will have the most success.
  • Be aware of the other person's energy level and their body language.
  • Have relaxed intensity.
  • Practice tonality; match & mirror people’s tone & speed.
  • Ask questions to handle objections.

Always remember:

  1. If you dress will feel successful and act more successful.

  2. The better your image, the more people you will attract into your business.

  3. You will attract WHO YOU ARE...not who you want.

Here's to your success,
Sheri Sharman

Monday, June 16, 2008

The Power of Words, Part II, by Sheri Sharman

I just came across this question in a book titled, "Ask And You Will Succeed" by Ken Foster: "What does your thinking look like to others?"

This question ties in to my previous blog...The Power of Words. Remember, words are both spoken and unspoken. Your unspoken words are your thoughts. Answering the question, "What does your thinking look like to others?", might help you become more aware of what unspoken words or thoughts you are using to describe yourself.

Here's to your success,
Sheri Sharman

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Power of Words by Sheri Sharman

WORDS, both spoken and unspoken, are POWERFUL...they create emotion.

Words create a picture in your mind. And this picture creates various emotions. Emotions can change your state of mind and the type of energy you give off and attract. This is why people often say, "what you think about (or say to yourself in words) will come true"!

Dr. Wayne Dyer says, "Every thought that you have impacts you. By shifting in the middle of a weakening thought to one that strengthens, you raise your energy vibration and strengthen yourself and the immediate energy field."

Be mindful of the words, both spoken and upspoken, that you use to describe yourself. You should practice positive self-talk, for instance, say to yourself "I am a winner" or "I always succeed". Talk in the present tense..."I always succeed"...versus..."I will succeed". You must see yourself as already succeeding and "tell" yourself that you are already succeeding, in order to succeed.

Here's to your success,
Sheri Sharman

Monday, June 9, 2008

In Defense of Sheri Sharman: Friendship Is Priceless!

I personally would like to give a special thanks to both Justin "Broker" Jones and Tracy Jacobsen for devoting the time, energy, and love to write In Defense of Sheri Sharman. It takes a true friend to stand up for someone that is being attacked through abuse of the Internet using manipulation and lies and hiding under the umbrella of "freedom of speech."

Click here to read Broker's blog entry titled "In Defense of Sheri Sharman" and the reply/comment from Tracy Jacobsen.

Click here to read Part II of Broker's blog entry.

After spending 21 years passionately building sales teams and friendships and a good name in the Network Marketing arena to now being targeted, attacked and slandered by both Ed Magedson and Bill Gould speaks volumes about the parasitic character of these individuals. Everyone will have to deal with "good guys" and "bad guys" throughout their lifetime. I will let you make your own intelligent decision on which category my attackers fall into. The facts are that life is too short, and I choose not to reciprocate the attacks from either Ed Magedson (a.k.a. Eddie Donovan) or Bill Gouldd, and I refuse to play in the mud.

Thanks again to Broker and Tracy for coming to my defense...friendship really is priceless!

Sheri Sharman

P.S. - Photo is of me and my grandson, Merric. He is showing off his first 2 teeth!