Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Powerful Questions from "Ask And You Will Succeed"

This book, by Ken D. Foster, offers powerful questions that allow you to tap into your strength and create your ideal life. It’s pretty easy to ask yourself the questions but it takes desire and commitment to answer them and then act on your answers.

My favorite questions pertaining to business are:
  • What vision do you have for your business?
  • What has to happen for you to enroll key players in your vision?
  • What goals or outcomes are you ready to achieve in your business?
  • What has to happen this week for you to double your monthly income?
  • What can you do to attract more prospects?
Take a few minutes to really answer these questions and then from your answers create a plan of ACTION to get the RESULTS you DESIRE!

Here's to your success,
Sheri Sharman

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Discover Resources for Your Success

Click here to read "Discover Resources for Your Success", another great article from Success Magazine. Actually, it's a list of 27 Things You Can Do To Be Efficient, Productive and Successful.

As you read the list ask yourself how many of the tips you have already implemented and which ones would be to your advantage to implement as soon as possible. The more efficient and productive you can be in your business and your life, the more time you will have for relaxation, hobbies, family time, travel, entertainment and other things that you enjoy!

Here's to your success,
Sheri Sharman

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

On Track to Saving Millions

Here are some numbers I wanted to share with you on saving and investing to accumulate 1 million dollars (and more).

The 30-Year Millionaire: Saving & Investing $675 a Month, Tax-Deferred at 8 Percent

5 years: $49,596
10 years: $123,488
15 years: $233,575
20 years: $397,588
25 years: $641,942
30 years: $1,005,992

The 25-Year Millionaire: Saving & Investing $1,050 a Month, Tax-Deferred at 8 Percent

5 years: $77,150
10 years: $192,093
15 years: $363,340
20 years: $618,417
25 years: $998,557
30 years: $1,564,877

The 20-Year Millionaire: Saving & Investing $1,700 a Month, Tax-Deferred at 8 Percent

5 years: $124,910
10 years: $311,008
15 years: $588,264
20 years: $1,001,334
25 years: $1,616,744
30 years: $2,533,611

The 15-Year Millionaire: Saving & Investing $2,900 a Month, Tax-Deferred at 8 Percent

5 years: $213,082
10 years: $530,543
15 years: $1,003,510
20 years: $1,708,159
25 years: $2,757,976
30 years: $4,322,042

You can see by the numbers above what an impact monthly saving and investing can have on your future savings. Plan for your future now by looking for ways to set aside money each month. You may want to look into building a business with ViaViente because working a
ViaViente business just part-time can help you with your investment planning. Sharing this info with others, as one of the top reasons to have a homebased business, is a great way to build a team.

Here's to your success,
Sheri Sharman