Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Power of Words by Sheri Sharman

WORDS, both spoken and unspoken, are POWERFUL...they create emotion.

Words create a picture in your mind. And this picture creates various emotions. Emotions can change your state of mind and the type of energy you give off and attract. This is why people often say, "what you think about (or say to yourself in words) will come true"!

Dr. Wayne Dyer says, "Every thought that you have impacts you. By shifting in the middle of a weakening thought to one that strengthens, you raise your energy vibration and strengthen yourself and the immediate energy field."

Be mindful of the words, both spoken and upspoken, that you use to describe yourself. You should practice positive self-talk, for instance, say to yourself "I am a winner" or "I always succeed". Talk in the present tense..."I always succeed"...versus..."I will succeed". You must see yourself as already succeeding and "tell" yourself that you are already succeeding, in order to succeed.

Here's to your success,
Sheri Sharman

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